

Please contact any of the leaders or the

Group Scout Leader    Kathy Hemmings,BA.Hons. 1 Bevington Close, Patchway, Bristol BS34 5NN

Home Tel:  0117 9694410   Email:

Being a Leader, Trustee or Occasional Helper

It’s about supporting young people to have fun and enjoyment developing skills for life.

It’s also about giving an opportunity to do things you might never do, learn new skills, and take some time out to have fun, perhaps with your own children and others.

Would you consider joining the Group in some capacity, either as a Leader or an Occasional Helper? Or perhaps helping at fundraising events such as the Patchway Festival or the Christmas Float?

If so the first step is to decide whether you would like to be hands on with a section – Scouts, Cubs or Beavers, and to attend meetings regularly, or to only help when an extra pair of hands is needed.

Whichever role you decide is best for you can be described fully by having a chat to an existing Leader or the Group Scout Leader. If your choice is to be at regular meetings, then you should attend for at least four weeks to make sure you’d be happy there.

The next step is to add your personal details to our Compass system so you then receive a membership number, and you provide the contact details of two referees; you then provide documents proving your ID and we can start the process of issuing you a DBS. We also ask you to complete some training modules before you attend a meeting with the Appointments Committee to show you know what your role will be, and you understand Scouting values.

Once your DBS has been received, you have been to Appointments, and you have finished any training modules needed then you can be invested into the Group if you have chosen to go into uniform. We hold a small ceremony where you would say the Scout promise to the GSL and you would be given a neckerchief and badges.

If time does not permit you to take a fuller role but you would like to help occasionally, such as for a camp, then you would still need a membership number and a DBS. Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.

Do I get paid?

No!! The Scout Group, like all others, is run entirely by a team of volunteers. No payment is made to anyone for their time etc.

What is my commitment?

Let’s give you no illusions here! Often, potential leaders are told ‘Oh it’s only a couple of hours a week!’. That, for almost all volunteers in Scouts, is blatantly untrue!

True, the weekly meetings are ‘only a couple of hours a week’ but if you are a committed leader, you will spend a lot more time on Scouting than that! You will be involved with Leader Meetings, Programme Planning Meetings, training, and personal development – which can involve attendance at courses which are normally at weekends, camping, visits and outings and generally supporting Group functions.

Exactly how much time you commit to Scouting will be down to you, your family circumstances, and your job. Only you can decide that commitment level – but the more you involve yourself, the greater enjoyment and satisfaction you will get!

Do I have to wear a Uniform?

There are different types of ‘Leader’ within a Scout Group, so the answer really depends on what type of leader you wish to become.

In addition to the uniformed leaders, there can be non-uniformed leaders who are formally ‘appointed’ and attend meetings each week, just like the uniformed leaders – These volunteers are known as Section Assistants.

Then there are Group ‘Occasional Helpers‘ – these are normally parents or supporters who occasionally help at Section meetings or events. There is no actual fixed commitment here – other than what you agree with your Section Leader.

Please contact any of the leaders or the

Group Scout Leader    Kathy Hemmings,BA.Hons. 1 Bevington Close, Patchway, Bristol BS34 5NN

Home Tel:  0117 9694410   Email: