2nd Patchway Scout Group
Scouting in Patchway since 1941
Thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas Float this year.
About Us
2nd Patchway Scout Group currently has over 70 young people, male and female, between the ages of 6 and 14 years coming to its meetings at its Headquarters every week.
Based at the Group Headquarters, Worthing Road Patchway its section meetings follow the progressive training programme provided by the Scout Association. These include age/ability related challenges and games based around themes such as Outdoors and Adventure, Culture and Community all whilst its members are having fun!
There are three Sections meeting at The Scout HQ:-
Beaver Scouts for 6-8 years Wednesday evening
Cub Scouts for 8-10½ years Tuesday evening
Scouts for 10½ -14 years Thursday evening
Youngsters in these sections are all offered a chance to take part in a terrific programme of activities including trips and visits to places of interest at a cost which is affordable to all, all under the leadership of our team of trained uniformed adults – more volunteers are always welcome see the ‘contact’ page.
For more information on Scouting in Patchway including our history please continue to explore this website.
If you would like to help the group in any way please visit the contact page.
If you would like to support the work of the scout group by making a donation please click below. Thank you for your support